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Surviving remote work during Covid-19

With COVID -19 it easy to feel hopeless and discouraged. The reality is this could last longer than we have previously expected.

WE can be hopeful that life will get better and our country will re-open, but the reality is, bills will not wait. We must adapt to remote life through social distancing to staying alive and protect our loved ones. If I’m being honest thinking logical all reports tell us we may be isolated well into 2021 if that.

Now that the shock has worn off that this pandemic is now our reality, you need to make changes to survive. What will you do to make money working from home?

In a time like this is hard to recognize when a work from home job is beneficial. Do I need a business entity to work from home? Should I work as a contractor or employee with benefits? Are the benefits worth the per hourly pay? As a person who has worked from home for almost 10 years, I can tell you it’s more difficult to find the right fit for you at this very moment but not impossible.

If you are new to remote work and don’t know where to start let me be the first to tell you how it works and what skill you will need with little experience to the most advanced experience.

It’s important to know that educational degrees are important when working remote, however, what’s more, important than your degree is how technical are you. Sometimes it takes is a technical class on Udemy or YouTube video to give you a refresher, here’s what you need to ask yourself. Can I effectively communicate with others via email, chat, Am I combative in a group setting? Or do you work well with others. do I know the fundamentals of tech support if I having an issue with my computer? Do I currently have the tools needed? At some point you’ll need an updated computer; Moreover: for the best performance you might need an additional screen. Are you set-up for success or failure?

Dont miss your chance to learn more about working from home with a one-on-one class. Learn on your own terms. Make sure you sign-up for our remote ready weekly newsletter.

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