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Omni Interaction is hiring again

Just to be clear Omni interaction hiring 1099 employees, which means you can work as much or as little as you like. their opportunity never lasts long. You're interested please jump on this ASAP, based on indeed they're looking for (37) position. I have several posts related to Omni. however please read the employee review to learn more. Here

Elige tu horario, trabaja desde casa, gana entre $14-16/hora & prueba algo nuevo - nuestros mejores proyectos pagan hasta $17/hora! Como un “1099 gig worker”, serás determinando tu propio horario (elige tus horas!), y ganando cuanto dinero tu decidas. Toma el control de tu trabajo trabajando desde casa en la plataforma de Omni. Deja el 9-to-5 & toma parte en la economía gig! Como un “gig worker” con Omni, serás empleado por ti mismo. Tal vez hayas ya escuchado de otras oportunidades similares, pero somos diferentes. ¿Cómo? Es simple: nosotros pagamos todo el tiempo disponible! No pierdas más tiempo cruzando los dedos por recibir una llamada, o sin que te paguen por el tiempo que no pasas hablando. Trabajando en la plataforma Omni REALMENTE ganarás entre $14-$16 por hora, GARANTIZADO!

GBA Responsibilities

¿Qué trabajo realizarás? Proveerás servicio al cliente (tomando llamadas entrantes, respondiendo a mensajes de chat, & respondiendo correos electrónicos) para compañías del listado Fortune 500. Interactuarás con clientes a través del teléfono y/o chat/correo electrónico, ayudándoles con todo lo que necesiten! ¿Qué harás?

  • Trabajarás desde casa, o cualquier lugar silencioso con una puerta cerrada

  • Elegirás cuando y cuanto quieres trabajar

  • Responderás chats, correos, y llamadas de clientes

  • Les ayudarás rápidamente con buenas soluciones

  • Resolverás problemas de manera creativa

  • Documentarás los detalles de las llamadas y las interacciones en los sistemas apropiados

  • Hablarás y escribirás al mismo tiempo

  • Navegarás múltiples sistemas, programas, y pantallas al mismo tiempo

¿Quién eres?

  • Tienes buenas habilidades de comunicación (verbal y escritas)

  • Puedes escribir 25 palabras por minuto o más con 90% de precisión

  • Eres hábil con el ordenador, incluyendo escribir y navegar

  • Estás cómodo empatizando y teniéndole paciencia a los clientes complicados


Ingresos potenciales Los proyectos tendrán ingresos variados, pero todos los proyectos te pagarán por el tiempo que pases hablando por teléfono/chateando y asistiendo a los clientes (a diferencia de otras empresas que solo te pagan por el tiempo disponible!). También recibirás una paga basada en desempeño y otros incentivos. Nuestros proyectos actuales pagan entre $14 y $15 la hora. Como Contratista Independiente 1099 auto-empleado brindando servicio al cliente desde casa, serás responsable de tus propias obligaciones tributarias. Tus ingresos finales pueden variar dependiendo de las campañas, tipos de llamadas, volumen de llamadas, y otros factores. Los Contratistas Independientes son responsables de sus propios gastos y controlan sus propios ingresos.

Calling all Hawaiians, Hawaiian Residents, and Islanders! Have you ever wanted to work from home? Have you ever wanted to get into, or continue in the healthcare field? Have you ever wanted to work for yourself? Have you ever wondered what the gig world is all about? As a gig worker, you are your own boss. You set your own hours, work when you want, pick up the hours that work around your life, making more than $20+/hour (starting at $21/hour to run your own business!) Your expertise in the local industry is needed! As a gig worker, you start & run your own business & set your own hours! Working for Omni's clients, you can work your full-time job or use this opportunity to work the hours for you. By setting your own hours, you get to prioritize yourself & your family, your culture, your lifestyle with a rich work-life balance. As a gig worker supporting Omni's clients, you are self-employed. We pay for available time! Think of us as an on-demand service - you get paid even if no calls are coming in (unlike some other gig companies we know!) No more wasting time hoping you get a call, or not being paid for anything other than talk time. Working on the Omni platform, you will ACTUALLY make $21+/hour GUARANTEED! NOTE: for current residents of the Hawaiian Islands ONLY (Hawaiians, Hawaiian Residents & Islanders!)

GBA Responsibilities

What work will you be doing? You'll be taking inbound phone calls, answering chat messages, & responding to emails) for an eye exam provider. You will interact with customers through phone and/or chat/email, helping them with all questions they have about their vision plans. What You’ll Do

  • Work from home, or any quiet place with a closed-door

  • Choosing when & how often you want to work

  • Respond to chats, emails, and calls from customers

  • Quickly help customers with good solutions

  • Solve problems in a creative way

  • Document details of calls & customer interactions in the appropriate systems

  • Type and talk at the same time

  • Navigate multiple systems, programs, and screens at the same time.

Who You Are

  • Great communication skills (verbal and written)

  • Can type 25 WPM or more with 90% accuracy

  • Solid computer skills, including typing and navigation

  • Comfortable empathizing and remaining patient with difficult callers

  • Currently residing in Hawaii & planning to work there as well!


NOTE: Only current residents who live in Hawaii can support this client. As a self-employed 1099 Independent Contractor providing work-from-home customer support services, you are responsible for your own tax obligations. Actual earnings may vary depending on the hours you schedule yourself, call volume, and other factors. Independent Contractors are responsible for expenses and control their own income.


Set your own hours, work from home, make $14-16/hour & try something new - our top-paying projects pay $17/hour! As a 1099 gig worker, you run your own business, write your own schedule (set your own hours!), and make as much or little as you want! Take control of your work by working from home on the Omni platform. Leave the 9 to 5 & join the gig economy! As a gig worker with Omni, you are self-employed. You may have heard about other gig companies, but we're different. How? It’s simple: We pay for available time! No more wasting time hoping you get a call, or not being paid for anything other than talk time. Working on the Omni platform, you will ACTUALLY make $14-16/hour GUARANTEED!

GBA Responsibilities

What work will you be performing? You'll be providing customer service (taking inbound phone calls, answering chat messages, & responding to emails) for Fortune 500 companies. You will interact with customers through phone and/or chat/email, helping them with anything they need! What You’ll Do

  • Work from home, or any quiet place with a closed door

  • Choosing when & how often you want to work

  • Respond to chats, emails, and calls from customers

  • Quickly help customers with good solutions

  • Solve problems in a creative way

  • Document details of calls & customer interactions in the appropriate systems

  • Type and talk at the same time

  • Navigate multiple systems, programs, and screens at the same time

Who You Are

  • Great communication skills (verbal and written)

  • Can type 25 WPM or more with 90% accuracy

  • Solid computer skills, including typing and navigation

  • Comfortable empathizing and remaining patient with difficult callers


Earning Potential Projects will have varying earning potential, but all projects pay for time spent talking on the phone/chatting & assisting callers (unlike other gig companies - we pay you for available time!) You can also receive performance-based pay & other incentives. Current projects are paying anywhere from $14-16/hour. As a self-employed 1099 Independent Contractor providing work-from-home customer support services, you are responsible for your own tax obligations. Actual earnings may vary depending on the campaign, call type, call volume, and other factors. Independent Contractors are responsible for expenses and control their own income. Scheduling & Hours GBA's providing service on the Omni platform chooses their own schedule by self-scheduling in 30-minute or 1-hour blocks. You get to choose how when & how often you provide services. The more hours you work, the higher your earning potential!

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