Let's talk about mental health. Living life on its terms can create anxiety and depression For most of us depression is easier to hide during work, family function, dating or shopping. When you're alone and isolated, depression hits you differently. You can't hide behind the make-up or muscles, nor the cute smile or witty personality. It's just you and your dam emotions. During this COVID-19 pandemic more of us are on mandated quarantine. When we’re stressed, it’s so easy to fall into a slump. Isolation can create feelings of hopelessness, and sadness, hostility, overeating, crying and suicidal thoughts. We want to watch the daily news but it’s so depressing to know that so many people are dying for no other reason except it was their turn. This virus doesn’t have facial features, it doesn’t have skin color or gender we just know that every day the virus multiplies like a domino effect; bodies are dropping from this plague everyone is in a state of fear mixed with despair. During these times it's important to do a self mental check. During this isolation period, it's important to create a mental-health essential list, below are some ideas that can help.
Mental health essential list
Books to read
Meditate or yoga
Care for a pet
Listen to music
Video chat with a friend or family member
Apps that can help
Download calming free apps
Online therapy –app
what’s up(free)
Quit that- addition free app
mind shift- Free
self help anxiety management
Bipolar disorder apps
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